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I finally got my Fin puppy!!!

While hanging out with our good friend and mentor, Jeff George at a NAVHDA training weekend we were discussing dogs, as usual, and I told him he should breed his girl Tulip to Fin and I wanted a pup from the litter.  You know what?!  He did!

Unfortunately, we were getting ready for another move in 2019 when  the litter was ready to go and I couldn't justify getting a 5th dog at the time, so I had to pass.  Luckily, Jeff liked the litter so much he did a re-breed and I finally flew out to pick up my Fin pup in September 2020.  She has been an absolute joy and everything I wanted/expected her to be.  She is smart, willing, vocal (in a good way), and just the super cute, silly girl I had envisioned.  

She is super fun to train and does everything with "flare".  She is always ready to learn something new and attacks everything with enthusiasm.  She has a stylish point and we are excited to finally get her on wild birds after a year of waaaay too much adulting.  I anticipate rock solid points and consistent retrieves to hand as Stella has proven to be one of the most naturally cooperative pups I've ever worked with.  

Stella has been DNA tested by Embark and shows FF for her furnishings genes, this means all of her pups should have furnishings.  

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Stella as a pup with her first pheasant.

Lone Pine Pudelpointers

Mike & Alycia Baird

Middletown, RI

(503) 440-0717 / (781) 929-9584

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